Safety within the workplace

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Safety within the workplace

Running a healthy company starts with maximising safety within the workplace - that just makes sense. Apart from the personal trauma, every accident results in temporarily reduced capacity, significant repair costs and, in the worst case, downtime for an entire production or distribution line. The consequences of a work-related accident affect the entire operation of a company - not just in economic terms, but also psychologically. In other words, the profitability of a company depends directly on its investment in the safety of its employees. In many cases, work-related accidents forklift accidents, falls on slippery floors, stairs or from heights, damage to the infrastructure, etc.

It is a misconception that the work floor is becoming increasingly safer in Belgian private companies. An annual report by Fedris, the Federal Agency for Occupational Risks, indicates that the increase in the number of work-related accidents is still continuing to this day. Another alarming increase can be seen in the number of accidents that result in anticipated permanent disability as well as fatal work-related accidents. Statistics Netherlands confirms that the same story also applies to the Netherlands. Here, the number of work-related accidents has remained practically constant, most of which are of a physical nature.

In other words, there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure the safety of employees as much as possible. Especially in industry, storage and transport, wholesale and retail trade, and construction, these figures are still far too high. This is why each year various sectors roll out large-scale campaigns to make people aware of the dangers present on the work floor.

Raising awareness is one aspect, but then you have to rely on the goodwill and awareness of all the employees. This is something you do not have much control over. Even if this concerns employees who consistently play an exemplary role in terms of safety, circumstances can always arise where they might veer off the prescribed path. Which is why it is necessary to give general safety a helping hand by providing crash protection and other safety equipment.

Smooth floors and stairs

In many warehouses or production halls, you inevitably have to deal with dirty floors. Especially surfaces that come into contact with moisture (e.g. in the food sector)can cause slips, with all the consequences this entails: from painful falls among employees, to bits of material sliding and toppling down, to situations in which you lose control of a vehicle. Read here how you can reduce the risk of slipping.