Podobne produkty
  • Protection from trolleys, carts, light traffic with a low impact risk

    The FLEX IMPACT® TB Mini is the smallest and lightest size of impact protection in our series and is specifically designed for use with light wheeled objects that have a low impact risk.

    A double barrier which is lower to the ground for extra impact resistance

    The TB Double 260 is a double traffic barrier that closely resembles a guardrail which goes the extra mile in shielding pedestrians from vehicle collisions.

  • Built-in fencing to protect machinery

    This TB 260 Plus Fence is low to the ground for effective crash protection.

    Protects infrastructure and people against lighter impacts

    The BOPLAN® SOFT COLUMN COVER with its 50 mm thick impact-absorbing foam layer is designed to protect columns against impacts from lighter traffic and to prevent people from being injured by sharp edges of steel columns or other hard metal pillars.

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